Spring Cleaning Checklist by Titles and Jotters - Available as a free download

Spring is finally here, and with it comes the annual tradition of spring cleaning. For many people, this is a time to open up the windows, let in the fresh air, and give the house a good scrub from top to bottom. Spring cleaning is more than just a chore, it’s a chance to refresh your home and your mind. Here is how to tackle that spring cleaning list with ease.

Make a plan.

FIrst, before you start cleaning, make a plan of what you want to accomplish. List out the rooms to clean and what needs to be done in each one. This will help you stay organized and focused, and you’ll be less likely to get overwhelmed.

Get rid of clutter.

Besides, clutter can make a space feel cramped and chaotic. Take some time to declutter your home by getting rid of things you no longer need or want. Instead of holding on to them, consider donating items that are in good condition or selling them online to make some extra cash.

Roll up your sleeves and deep clean.

Do it now. Repeat after me. Do. It. Now. Tackle the deep cleaning tasks. No more putting them off. This includes things like cleaning the windows, dusting the blinds, and scrubbing the floors. You may also want to consider hiring a professional to deep clean your carpets or upholstery.


Next, once you’ve decluttered and cleaned, it’s time to organize. Take some time to organize your closets, drawers, and cabinets. Use storage containers to keep items organized and easily accessible.

Don’t forget about the outside!

However, a Spring clean isn’t just for the inside of your home. Take some time to clean up the outside as well. This includes things like power washing the exterior of your home, cleaning out gutters, and pruning trees and shrubs.

Make it a family affair

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a solo activity. Involve the entire family to make it a fun event. Each family member gets a task. It is surprising how much you can accomplish when you work as a team.

Don’t know where to start?

Sign up below to get a printable checklist to get going. It includes a list of common spring cleaning tasks and a blank page for everything else! Lists help you plan and do things!

Spring Cleaning Checklist by Titles and Jotters - Available as a free download
Spring Cleaning Checklist by Titles and Jotters – Available as a free download

Spring cleaning is an seasonal task that helps us refresh our homes and our minds. By making a plan, decluttering, deep cleaning, organizing, cleaning the outside, and getting your family involved, soon you will see that spring cleaning is a breeze! So put on your cleaning gloves and get started!

While you may be focused on spring cleaning your house or garage, don’t forget to unclutter your brain! A good spring cleaning brain dump may be just what you need to start the season off on the right foot. Check out this post here to learn more about it: Brain Dumping, Why You Need to Do It Now.

How did your spring cleaning go? Drop a note and let me know!